
Professional storyteller Toni Simmons conducts storytelling workshops for Teachers, Librarians, Storytellers, Students, Lawyers and all others who wish to learn the art of storytelling.

  • Teachers

    Having taught in the classroom, Toni realized that kids will in general hold more information when they can associate it with a classroom activity. One of the most widely recognized classroom exercises is narrating or story telling. Children love listening to their teachers tell stories; when the teacher has their attention and they tune in, children don't lose focus and follow the story until its end.

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  • Librarians

    Storytime at the library is a long-running, hallowed tradition. As a former children's librarian, Toni can guide fellow librarians in perfecting their storytelling techniques that will keep the kids occupied and engaged, while sparking in them a love of literature and performance arts.

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  • Storytellers

    An effective and engaging storyteller has the aptitude to depict society, culture and history through narrative improvisation, theatrics, and embellishment to bring out new frames and expand the minds of the listeners.
    Toni coaches storytellers to hone their skills and keep the tradition alive for the next generation.

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  • Students

    Getting better at storytelling can help students improve in the classroom just as it can help their teachers. The ability to create a narrative, boil a situation down to its essentials and relate the story in front of a group will boost grades and self-confidence, and is an essential part of leadership skills and a successful educational career.

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  • Lawyers

    Great litigators are distinguished by a capacity to tell compelling stories. The best lawyers can expertly clarify a chain of events and create a comprehensible narrative for the benefit of judges and juries.
    The ability to develop and tell stories that are emotionally affecting is key to a successful career in law.

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Toni Simmons